Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holidays 2008

Well...I'm obviously not the best photographer but here are a few pictures from the holidays. We spent Christmas with Nana this year and all the cousins...Nathan, Devon, Amber and James. We had lots of fun. They boys and I stayed with mom for a week! The weather was yucky but we visited with lots of family and friends and had a great time. The picutre of the boys together was taken today! Auntie Belle got them big brother and little brother shirts! Camden is starting to smile and trying to sit up on his own. He is such a joy and he is also a great baby! He's content 95% of the time. Happy New Year!


Unknown said...

Love the pictures!! Camden is a little chunk, huh?! I so wish I could get my hands on him. Both of your boys are precious. Pearce and Parker have those same big/little brother shirts. cute! You look great and have an adorable family. I miss you a ton! Hope to see you before too much longer!

Tiffany said...

Your boys are so cute and you look wonderful!